
Join our dedicated team of ninjas working to digitalise the entire equine industry in the UK and internationally. We depend upon the creativity, drive, and independent thinking of individuals, but our successes are always team efforts.

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Our Vacancies

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Who we are

  • Equine Register is a small ambitious UK business with global reach. We are set to grow in size, as well as expand our product reach into North America initially followed by Europe and Australia!

    We are recognised as global leaders in animal traceability, registration, identification, and biosecurity technology with particular expertise in equine lifetime traceability. We are the trusted partner of Defra, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs’ in delivering and managing the Central Equine Database (CED) on behalf of the UK Government and Devolved Administrations.

  • Working closely with the equine sector, Equine Register has developed a series of bespoke digital tools that enable secure, real-time access to vital animal identification and traceability data.

    These tools promote compliance and good owner practices, increase animal welfare and value, and help secure the human food-chain and national borders, all whilst reducing criminal activity.

    Equine Register’s cutting-edge patented technology will position the UK at the forefront of animal traceability and biosecurity. With governments queuing up to use our essential services and a strong financial backing we are looking to scale-up and take this to the next level.